Gabriele Lucci

Software developer

Hi there! I’m a software developer with professional experience in Python and JavaScript/Node.js, and mostly on the backend side of web development. I’m a detail-oriented perfectionist, but also versatile and constantly looking for new challenges. I love working with Django (who doesn’t?), but I’m always open to learning new technologies. Additionally, I’m quite proficient in administering Linux systems, which I’ve been using in some form or another since I was a kid.

In my spare time, I especially enjoy engaging in various music-related activities, such as going to concerts, clubbing, and playing bass guitar with my friends. I also enjoy playing video games (on Linux, of course), board games with friends, and inline skating. Oh, and I’m quite a big coffee enthusiast, too!

Work Experience

Technician / Full stack developer

17/05/2021 - 31/12/2023
Eurac Research (Institute of Biomedicine)

I was part of the IT team at the Institute for Biomedicine of Eurac Research. Assigned to the CHRIS-2D project, I worked on the creation of a “dynamic data portal”, a web app that allows researchers, even from outside institutions, to peruse a set of the data gathered by Eurac’s IfB studies.

Due to the small size of our development team, we decided to build the portal as a full-stack Django application. This also included an HTTP API for complementary CLI tools. I played a significant role in deciding the project’s architecture and implementation, and I am pleased with what was achieved.

Backend developer

07/07/2017 - 31/01/2021
Fondazione Openpolis

I worked for the Openpolis Foundation, supporting their editorial team by developing multiple web applications and toolkits using Python and Django.

Those are the most relevant projects I worked on:

  • opdm-service - “La Mappa del Potere”: one of Openpolis’ most important projects, a service which gathers, organizes and serves data about political power in Italy. I helped designing and implementing parts of the REST API (using Django REST framework), and developed many data import scripts, often using tools such as SPARQL to query relevant stuff from RDF structures.
  • django-popolo: a Django implementation of Popolo, which is a set of open government data specifications. This is a core part of opdm-service, defining the main data structure and more.
  • django-uwsgi-taskmanager: a Django app to manage async tasks via the admin interface, using the uWSGI spooler as a task queue. This is also a core part of opdm-service and other web apps I helped develop, often used to run and schedule tasks such as import pipelines, syncing with external sources, etc.
  • opdm-etl: a Python micro-framework to implement ETL pipelines.
  • op-povedu - “Povertà Educativa”: a Django application which gathers socio-economic data about education and minors in Italy, organizing everything into a strucutred database (queryable via Metabase) and handy CSVs. This data is then analyzed and used to produce articles and media. I’ve been the lead developer since the beginning. I made extensive use of pandas to transform and aggregate data.
  • op-politiche-2018 - “A schede scoperte”": an application which, provided an address, would give the user the names of the candidates on the voting paper for the 2018 Italian general election in their electoral college. It would also inform the user about the candidate political career and economic interests (e.g their roles in companies). I worked on the app backend, developing the REST API with Django REST framework.

Full stack developer

01/09/2016 - 07/07/2017
Anansi Team
I was the lead (and basically the only) developer of “APA Cloud”, a suite of server side applications that would gather, store, and visualize air quality sensor data. Mainly developed using Node.js (LoopBack 3 and Sails.js) for the backend, and Angular v1 for the frontend stuff.


My own self-hosted "cloud"

a.k.a. "LucciCloud"

I’ve been mantaining an array of self-hosted services for years.

Some of the services I run (there are more, but these are the most relevant):

  • a bunch of Fediverse nodes (Mastodon, GoToSocial)
  • a Nextcloud server, which I use daily to back up my photos, store documents and sync contacts and calendars between my personal devices.
  • Grocy, an ERP for managing groceries and alike.
  • a Minecraft game server because… why not?
  • this very website!

Everything is deployed using containers on rented Linux hosts. I’m very proud of this project, I’ve learned a lot from it!